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We drive your international sales by making personal connections with your foreign prospects on LinkedIn.

Think about it: when was the last time someone really engaged with you on LinkedIn? By its nature, the digital environment makes users impatient, not asking questions and listening, but focused on sending their own sales message.

We developed a new service that focuses on an authentic effort of building real relationships for our clients and increasing their international sales using LinkedIn. With your consent, we operate your LinkedIn profile and approach your target group decision-makers. For all they know, it’s you reaching out, in their local language.

What is Leads2Business?

As a US exporter, explore European markets and generate new revenue

Let us help you to define and implement an effective international market entry strategy. After 4-6 months you will have an international network of leads that generate revenue. We do most of the work, so you can stay focused on your day-to-day business.

As a group of seasoned international trade professionals, we developed a new service to help companies enter new geographical markets. We create structure and success faster.

How we do it Is Leads2Business something for you?
Why companies choose to work with us

Why go for Leads2Business?

Kick-off with a concise market entry strategy
Let seasoned international trade specialists help you to develop an international market entry strategy that is feasible and actionable

Finding the right leads for your business
Are you going for direct or indirect sales? Are you looking for end customers or third parties? And which customers or third parties represent the perfect match with your products or services?

Really engage with your international prospects. Again and again.
We operate your LinkedIn profile and reach out to your leads. We send out personalized messages, asking relevant questions – on your behalf. We identify the lead, develop messaging, adapted to the foreign language, recognizing intercultural differences.

Keep your pipeline flowing...
You would like us to help you get high-end, hard-to-reach foreign leads, each and every month, by doing some or all of the work for you.

Build partnerships, stop selling
You want to create those partnerships by applying an important online rule: Stop Selling. Start Listening.

Minimize wasted time and resources
You want to take back wasted time, make international relationships more profitable and revenue more predictable.

Get extra bang for your buck through federal (STEP) funds
The STEP grant program helps small businesses by providing grants to cover costs associated with entering and expanding into international markets. Want to know more about STEP? Click here. Want to know who to approach in your state? Click here.

How it works
For who is Leads2Business
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The Netherlands
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